February 2016 Board Minutes

Posted on

February 17th 2016



Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 6 pm


Review of Minutes

January 2016 minutes approved


Treasurer’s Report : Treasurer unable to attend meeting


Committee Reports


Membership –  Paid members to date: No report at this time


Social Events

            Social set for May 14th at the Pennsauken country club for a brunch from noon to 4 pm. Buffet will be available from 12:30 to 3:30 and will include breakfast items along with  roast beef, ham etc..

The guest speaker will be Penn State Basketball coach Pat Chambers.


Ticket price:: The Board discussed the price and it was set at $35 a ticket


50/50: will hold a 50/50 at social


Basket raffle: The board discussed and decided to have a basket raffle at the social. This will be discussed more at next month’s meeting but request for donation can be sent out now


Old Business

            No other Business was discussed at this time.


Good of the Organization



Meeting adjourned for THON event


Next meeting: March 16th Cherry Hill Library