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February 2015 Board Minutes
Feb 19, 2015
Call to order: Sign in sheet (meeting held at Cherry Hill Library)
Minutes – January minutes not available
Treasurer’s Report: Reviewed & approved; PSU acknowledgement of Delo fund grew $2,000
Committee Reports:
Membership – Paid memberships to date: 135. Chapter dues are $15.00 per family.
License Plates – No updates
The Alumni Insider wants to do an article on our chapter.
We are the only chapter with 4 scholarships. The deadline for scholarship applications is May 6th. Committee will meet May 27 for selections.
The selected winner’s must have selected admission to PSU.
On Feb 4th, 2015 a check for $50,000 was sent to Penn State to endow the Richard Brownmiller Scholarship Fund. The Richard A. Brownmiller scholarship fund will be for Business Majors
Bracelet –
Raised close to $2,500 to date
Board agreed to provide samples to organizations to promote our bracelets.
Freshman sendoff– Laurel Acres reserved for Aug 9th
Web page/Facebook –
Chapter moving forward with new web site with a provisional budget of $600. Print out samples were passed around. Look’s great.
Discussion concerning who should have admin rights..Chapter admins will be able to update the site without a middle man.
By-Laws Committee:
The chapter membership reviewed the revised Constitution and Bylaws for the Southern New Jersey Chapter. There were a couple of modifications.
Chapter Board will vote on ratifying new by-laws during the March19th meeting. At least 10 board members must attend to ratify. Majority rules.
Social Committee:
Thon: Fundraiser held at PJ. Raised $167 after expenses. Committee chair indicated PJs was a great host.
Bowling Party: The second annual bowling party will be held at Pinsetter’s in Pennsauken Sunday April 19th from 1:00pm to 4:00pm. In conjunction, the chapter is requesting non-perishable items be donated for the Food Bank.
Cost is $25.00 per bowler, $20.00 for non-bowlers, and $15.00 for kids under 10 years old.
Includes Open Buffet (Roast Beef, pasta, salad), beverages not included. Bowling is unlimited and shoes are included.
$250.00 deposit paid by Jay Doskis to reserve event.
An Eventbrite was created on-line to purchase tickets. The link is:
If you don’t purchase on-line, we ask that you go to the link. You’ll be able to share this event with your friends and family on various social networks. (Facebook, Tweeter)
Upcoming Events:
Bowling Party: 4/19 at Pinsetter in Pennsauken.
Phillies Game June 4th
Miniature Golf outing: Date to be determined
Freshman Sendoff: Sunday August 9th
Old Business
State of the Chapter Report (Leslie) Chapter is required to submit an annual report. Fiscal year is from July 1st to June 30th.
Football Watching Parties: Chapter discussed having the event at different locations
Football Ticket Raffle: Permit in place to allow us to sell tickets. Chapter will be organizing two Football Bus trips. Maryland Oct 24th in Baltimore. Game will be held in the NFL stadium. The other bus trip is the homecoming game against Indiana Oct 10th
Business Cards: Board decided on mission statement. Request to a Life Time membership for the Alumni Association our chapter will receive $50 credit for each. The member must tell the AA that we are associated with the SNJ chapter.
Fall / Spring Social: Working to have Franco Harris as guest speaker in 2016
Golf Outing: Date to be determined
TV Station visit: No report
New Business
Printer: Chapter agreed to trash our old printer.
Chapter nominations forms are due March 1st.
Events: Chapter discussed having an event in Gloucester. Sort of spreading our wings
Membership Recruitment: Chapter discussed attending different events to set-up tables
Attendees: Names are on file
Next meeting: March 19th at the Cherry Hill Library. Kim and Jay will not be in attendance (Vacation in Jamaica)
March 2015 Board Minutes
MARCH 19, 2015
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Cherry Hill Public Library.
Review of Minutes
February’s minutes were reviewed and approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Report was reviewed and approved. The Chapter General Fund Account #12 is the checking account. The THON Fund Account #1 should have a balance of 0 for February. March starts a new year for the THON Account with a balance of $28.00. We hold the balance for Account #9 Richard A.Brownmiller Scholarship Fund until it is confirmed it is endowed.
Committee Reports
Membership – Paid members to date is 168.
License Plates– Nothing to report at this time.
By Laws– A motion was made to approve the By-Law changes which were reviewed at February’s meeting. Committee approved the changes.
Social Events/Fundraising
Bracelets– We have a wonderful supply on hand to last us through the Freshman Send-Off event. Some of the chains need to be re-assembled.
Fresh Send-Off– Scheduled for August 9, 2015.
Christmas Party– Nothing to report at this time.
Newsletter/Webpage/Social Media– The website was reset and is up and running. All board members are listed. The committee membership list needs to be updated. Matt Kirk will email the list of committees to all board members asking them to sign up for a committee.
Community– Laurie Sattin and Jen Kaminski had a personal tour of the Kroc Center located in Camden, NJ, which is owned by the Salvation Army. They have classrooms, nursery, gym library, pool, waterpark etc. Discussed future events at the center such as Family Day. It was suggested having the Children’s Christmas party at the center. This would have to be discussed with the Christmas Party Community.
Marketing/Publicity/Advertising– Marcia DiSepio will follow-up with Charlie Browns, and Braddocks (who also owns Ott’s ) to sign them up for the keycard discount program. Matt Kirk already signed up Manny’s Restaurant in Palmyra, NJ for a 10% discount for members who can start using now. Matt Kirk will follow-up with Dave Hulbert regarding details for obtaining keycards for members. Businesses that participate will be advertised on the website.
In order to advertise more it was suggested that two committee members attend town-wide community events. We could set up a table, share our information and bring the THON can for donations.
Committee discussed the need for one person to be in charge of advertising our events in the Cherry Hill Sun and Burlington County Times calendar sections. This will be the responsibility of the adversting committee once it is formed.
It was suggested we advertise our events on the free cable channels. This will be the responsibility of the advertising committee once it is formed.
Laurie Sattin and Leslie Schafer signed up for the Coaches Caravan event. Matt Kirk will email the information to all members.
Scholarships– The scholarship information and application packets have been sent to all 87 schools in our area. The scholarship section of our website has been updated to include all new information and an up-to-date application that can be downloaded. The historical section of past scholarship winners is currently under construction. Jim Brennan was interviewed by the AlumnInsider regarding the importance of the Richard A. Brownmiller Scholarship. Also discussed was how the chapter stays connected to Penn State through fundraising events. The article was shared with the committee. Laurie Sattin attended two college fairs advertising our chapter’s scholarships.
Old Business
Bowling Party– The party is scheduled for Sunday, April 19, 2015 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. All attending are asked to bring a canned good. Matt Kirk will follow-up with Jay Doskis regarding advertising for the food collection for the Food Bank. Tickets can be purchased through Event Brite or you can mail a check to Matt Kirk until Jay Doskis returns from vacation.
Football Ticket Raffle– The drawing is scheduled for Sunday, August 23, 2015. The permit paperwork was submitted to the township for approval.
Discount Program– The Lion Country Lodging for national members offers a 15% discount.
Business Cards– A sample copy was passed around for all committee members to review and comment. The committee approved the sample. We can order 1000 cards due our Chapter’s status of highest level of distinction. Laurie Sattin will order the business cards.
TV News Studio with Philadelphia Chapter– On hold until the fall.
Football Bus Trip– The Indiana Homecoming game on October 10, 2015 is too expensive, we will lose money if we do not sell all tickets. We will order 40 tickets for the Army game on October 3, 2015 and Maryland game on October 24, 2015. Bill Kolodi has reserved one bus. Games will be advertised in the Newsletter, Webpage and Facebook. Matt Kirk emailed ticket office at Temple for PSU game Labor Day weekend. Temple has placed us on the list. Profits for bus trips will go to the Scholarship Fund.
Speaker for Spring 2016 Social– Speaker Franco Harris tabled until next meeting. The committee discussed having a Fall Social this year. Discussed having a non-sports related speaker, however, we need a speaker who will draw a crowd. Open dates would be October 18 or 25, 2015. Instead of having a dinner it was suggested we have a brunch and charge less money. John Ungvarsky will find out if Tavistock is available. In the meantime, Laurie Sattin will reach out to Coach Chamberlain for a Fall Social event.
Iron Hill Fundraiser– No report, deferred to the next meeting.
Golf Outing– The event is scheduled for Sunday, May 31, 2015 at Golf Land.
Jim will finalize details with Golf Land and will forward information to Matt Kirk so it can be advertised before the next meeting.
Riversharks Game– Marcie will contact the organization this week for information. We will get $5.00 back per ticket sold.
Phillies Game– The event is scheduled for Thursday, June 4, 2015. Tickets cost $30.00 each and we get back $15.00 per ticket.
Soul Game– The season runs until August 2, 2015. We are looking at running a fundraiser for a Friday, Saturday or Sunday game.
Rodeo Trip– Cowtown Rodeo is open from May through September. Group discount rates are $12.50 per adult and $7.50 per child (10 years and younger). Discussed charging the regular rate per person $20.00 per adult and $10.00 per child and providing food before the start of the event in order to raise money. Will discuss further at the next meeting.
New Business
Monthly Happy Hours– Matt Kirk suggested a theme Happy Hour events every month to rotate throughout the counties. Will discuss further at the next meeting.
Webinar– A webinar is scheduled for March 31, 2015 from 12:10 p.m. to 12:50 p.m. Matt Kirk will email the information to all members.
Letter– We received a letter from Eric J. Barron, President, PSU thanking the Chapter for our recent gift to support student scholarships at Penn State.
Good of the Organization
April 2015 Board Minutes
April 16, 2015
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Cherry Hill Public Library.
Review of Minutes
March’s minutes were reviewed and approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Report was reviewed and approved. The Richard Brownmiller Scholarship Fund Acct #9 takes 60 days to endow fund; should occur before our next meeting. We have two accounts for Fellner/Ungvarsky Scholarship Fund (Acct #15 and Acct #3) because the interest has to go into a second account. In a few months the money will be back in one account. We had a problem with the IRS revoking our tax exempt status, however the issue was resolved.
Committee Reports
Membership– Paid members to date is 170.
License Plates– Nothing new to report at this time.
Discount Program– Manny’s Restaurant in Palmyra will give a 10% discount to members. Grounds for Sculpture said they would give us 20%, need to confirm. Still looking for other businesses to participate.
Social Events/Fundraising
Bracelets– We have enough to last us through Freshman Send-Off. They will be available for sale at the Golf Outing on May 31, 2015.
Freshman Send-Off– Scheduled for August 9, 2015. After the event we will place an article in the paper to inform the public of this activity. The committee discussed offering free Chapter member for one year to all new families attending the Freshman Send-Off event. This may help recruit more members. The committee will discuss further at the next meeting.
Christmas Party– Nothing to report at this time.
Chapter Social– Speaker Franco Harris tabled until next meeting. Coach Chamberlain is not available to for our proposed Fall Social.
Newsletter/Webpage/Social Media– Dave Hulbert sent out the monthly newsletter.
Community– Nothing to report at this time.
Marketing/Publicity/Advertising– Laurie Sattin ordered the business cards.Our Chapter members could not assist at the coach’s caravan since it filled up rather quickly.
Scholarships– A few members have received applications. The deadline for scholarship applications is Wednesday, May 6, 2015. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 27, 2015. Briefly discussed the enrollment rate of PSU in our area which has increased.
Old Business
Bowling Party– The party is this Sunday, April 19, 2015 at Pinsetters in Pennsauken from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. It was advertised on Event Brite and Facebook. We have approximately 25 attending. Jay Doskis wanted to know if we should give a head count of 50 just in case we have a lot of people pay at the door. Committee agreed to give a head count of 50. Matt Kirk will notify Jay Doskis.
TV News Studio with Philadelphia Chapter– On hold until the fall.
Football Bus Trip– 40 tickers were ordered for the Army game on October 3, 2015 and the Maryland game on October 24, 2015. Plan on posting information with prices this coming Monday. Temple called and will work with us for tickets. Matt Kirk will follow-up with Temple again.
On January 30, 2016 PSU will be at Madison Square Garden for a basketball game and a hockey game. PSU and Madison Square Garden are still finalizing details. Discussed hosting a bus trip with refreshments for this event. Bill Kolodi will have more information at the next meeting.
Iron Hill Fundraiser– Bill Kolodi is waiting to hear back from Iron Hill. In the meantime, Bill Kolodi is working on getting details from PJ Whelihan’s on Route 38.
Golf Outing– The event is scheduled for Sunday, May 31, 2015 at Golf Land in Voorhees from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. We need members to bring the following items ice chests, canopy and games. Matt Kirk will follow-up with Dave Hulbert about bringing games. Members bringing items (ice chests and canopies) and/or helping with set-up should arrive at 3:00 p.m. Bill Greenfield will get food and beverages from Shoprite. Laurie Sattin offered to get water ice but will need to know at least a week before the event if she should pick it up.
Riversharks Game– Available nights are Friday or Saturday, July 31st, August 1st, 14th or 15th, 2015. We are trying to combine our event with the Salvation Army. Those who bring 3 canned goods and 1 jar of peanut butter will receive free admission. Since we already paid we will get a voucher. Discussed the possibility of getting an entertain room with food, but we would need a minimum of 25 people and the tickets would cost $25.00 per person. We would not make a profit on the entertain room. The regular price is $11.00 per ticket and we would get $5.00 back per ticket. Committee decided to go with the regular price ticket of $11.00 on Friday, August 14, 2015 at 7:05 p.m.
Phillies Game– The event is scheduled for Thursday, June 4, 2015. Tickets cost $30.00 each and we get back $15.00 per ticket if the South Jersey Chapter box is checked off when purchasing tickets.
Soul Game– Group tickets sales require at least 100 people. We are unable to participate. Topic closed.
Rodeo Trip– The group discount rates (just for rodeo event) are $12.50 per adult and $7.50 per child (10 years and younger). We could have a cookout prior to the start of the rodeo and charge adults $20.00 and children $10.00. We need a minimum of 20 people. The cookout would start at 6:00 p.m. and the rodeo starts at 7:30 p.m. Committee decided on Saturday, June 27, 2015. We encourage everyone to get their early due to parking and seating.
Football Ticket Raffle– The raffle is scheduled for Monday, August 31, 2015. Tickets are available to be sold. Matt Kirk will ask Jim Brennan to set up ticket availability on Event Brite. The seats for this season were moved over one section and now located under the over-hang (Section NG, row 58, seats 10 and 12).
Webinar– One idea we could look into is providing a bus ride home for college students during the holidays. Matt Kirk will look into this idea.
Monthly Happy Hour– Looking for suggestions for bars/restaurants to hold happy hour where families can attend. We need bars/restaurants located in different counties. We could have theme nights like beach bar night, etc. This can be a way to recruit younger members. Laurie Sattin will check with Miller’s Ale House. Need more suggestions. We will discuss further at the next meeting.
New Business
Senior Send-Off– Next Thursday, April 23, 2015 from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. there will be event at University Park for graduates. Since it is short notice and no one is available to attend Matt Kirk will send a packet of information to advertise our Chapter.
Nittany Lion Kids Club– Matt Kirk suggested our Chapter start a Nittany Lion’s Kid Club. Junior Membership could cost $10.00 per kid and we could provide them with a tee-shirt. Matt Kirk will email information and we will discuss further at the next meeting.
Wine Testing Fundraiser– Leslie Schafer suggested we visit a local winery for a wine tasting event. There are many different places we could go to, Grounds for Sculpture, Hamilton, NJ, Valenzano Wine, Shamong, NJ, and Wine & Wildlife, Medford, NJ to name a few. Laurie Sattin will look into different places on Saturdays of spring 2016.
Good of the Organization
May 2015 Board Minutes
MAY 21, 2015
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Cherry Hill Public Library.
Review of Minutes
April’s minutes were reviewed and approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Report not available, will be presented at the next meeting.
Committee Reports
Committee Lists– The new committee list was posted on the website.
Membership – Deferred to the next meeting.
License Plates– Nothing to report at this time.
Social Events/Fundraising
Bracelets– Nothing new to report. Email Laurie Sattin if anyone needs bracelets, necklaces, etc.
Freshmen Send-Off– Scheduled for August 9, 2015. Cindy Scotnicki will be around to organize the event but will need help setting up. We have a few people to contact to be a speaker. If anyone has any suggestions for speakers please share with Cindy. We will give PSU flash drives away as gifts. Dave Hulbert will arrange for the Nittany Lion to attend since he was a big hit last year. Dave Hulbert will contact Troy Singleton to see if he is available to distribute scholarships.
Discussed the idea of giving the parents of incoming freshmen who attend the Freshmen send-off one year free membership. Motion to approve, all in favor.
Christmas Party– Dave and Randi Hulbert will get together to discuss potential donors in the parish.
Social Events– Laurie Sattin looked into a few possible events:
- Salvation Army/Kroc Center has a waterpark open all year long. We could get day passes since it is too expensive to rent the whole facility. Activities are geared towards children (swimming, wall climbing). The concerns are the location of the Kroc Center, and can we get enough people to attend since it is mainly a kids’ event.
- Winery trip – The person in charge at Valenzano Wine in Shamong, NJ teams with a caterer, and is willing to give us appetizers similar to a wedding, and include a tour of the vineyards. The limit is 50 people. Available nights are Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday in October from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The cost is $40.00 per person not including tip or tax which brings the price to $50.00 to $60.00 per person. We may be able to make arrangements to go to the Heritage Winery, Mullica Hill, NJ, which cost around $15.00. There is a lot of land for those who need to bring their kids.
- Game Watching Parties – We could have a game watching party at Miller’s Ale House in the back room. The owner will get back to Laurie Sattin with specifics. The concern is Saturday evenings may be a problem with other patrons. Dooney’s Pub is another option. Dave Hulbert will look at places located in Gloucester County.
- Funds Allotted for Underprivileged Babies – There have been problems with the Willingboro location so Laurie Sattin suggested we earmark the funds for the Kroc Center Food Bank. Laurie Sattin is willing to purchase food instead of giving cash.
Newsletter/Webpage/Social Media– We continue to update the webpage.
Community– Nothing to report at this time.
Marketing/Publicity/Advertising– We have two places of business participating thus far. We need to reach out to two to three businesses per month.
A committee has been assigned to focus on marketing efforts.
Scholarships– To date we have received 28 applications. Many of the schools are putting our information on their website instead of copying and posting for students. We will be awarding five scholarships. The selection meeting is scheduled for May 27, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. FYI – PSU received 84,000 applications for acceptance (#1 in the country).
Old Business
Bowling Party– We made a small profit with Pinsetters giving us a break on the cost of food. It was suggested this event be held in the winter. Also, we need to do a better job with advertising. Some canned goods were donated which Matt Kirk will drop off at the Food Bank.
Football Ticket Raffle– The drawing is scheduled for Sunday, August 23, 2015. Permit to sell was approved and we have tickets to sell. Tickets are available through Event Brite or contact Matt Kirk for tickets.
TV News Studio with Philly Chapter– Indefinitely on hold.
Business Cards– Business cards were distributed to attendees. Our Chapter earned the business cards because we are at the highest level of distinction.
Football Bus Trip– We need to set prices for the Army game on October 3, 2015 and Maryland game on October 24, 2015. Also, need information on the bus trip to New York City for the hockey and basketball games. Bill Kolodi will contact Matt Kirk with details. Temple has contacted us about working with our Chapter; Matt Kirk will email information when available.
Speaker for Spring 2016 Social– Franco Harris is too busy to attend the Spring Social. Laurie Sattin will reach out to Coach Chamberlain and let him pick a date in May 2016. Another option is Athletic Director, Sandy Barber, or Sam Richards, Psychology Professor at PSU, who may be interested.
Iron Hill Fundraiser/Happy Hour – If anybody has any ideas please share with the committee.
Golf Outing– The event is scheduled for Sunday, May 31, 2015 at Golf Land from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. (no rain date). No sales on Event Brite yet. Miniature golf $15.00, chip and putt $20.00, children 10 years and under $10.00 and non-golfers $7.50 (includes food/beverage). Diana Kirk will bring 50/50 tickets, ice chests and a canopy. Dave Hulbert will provide lawn games. Bill Greenfield will order the food a few days before the event.
Riversharks Game– Scheduled for Friday, August 14, 2015 at 7:05 p.m. We will get $5.00 back per ticket sold.
Phillies Game– Scheduled for Thursday, June 4, 2015. Tickets cost $30.00 each and we get back $15.00 per ticket when tickets are purchased by using the drop down box to indicate PSU alumni.
Rodeo Trip– Scheduled for Saturday, June 27, 2015 at Cowtown Rodeo. Group discount rates are $12.50 per adult and $7.50 per child (10 years and younger). We will charge the regular rate per person $20.00 per adult and $10.00 per child and provide food from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. before the start of the event in order to raise money. We need a minimum of 20 people to make a profit.
Chapter Kids Club – The proposed program would be geared towards children 12 years and younger. The annual membership fee (July 1st through June 30th) would be $5.00 or $10.00. Members would receive a membership card, a small gift each year, a birthday card, and discount at Chapter events. Those who submit a report card with straight A’s would have their name placed on the website and will receive a small prize. This program will not generate cost to the Chapter. This could be advertised at the Freshmen Send-Off. We need someone to spearhead this proposed program. We will discuss further at the next meeting.
New Business
Montgomery Chapter Scholarship Fundraiser– The Montgomery Chapter has approached us to partner with them in a raffle. They have secured a two night stay at the Royal Sonesta Inner Harbor for the Penn State Maryland weekend. It includes two night accommodations, valet parking, and breakfast both Saturday and Sunday. In addition they have an additional prize of two tickets and an autographed James Franklin mini helmet. Also, they have another prize of a pair of tickets. Under this option they propose 400 tickets at $25.00 each = $10,000.
The cost of the room, tickets, autographed memorabilia is approximately $715.00
If we sell out we can net probably $8000.00 or $4000.00 per Chapter. The Montgomery Chapter has a problem obtaining a permit in PA. They are also considering adding an option of a week in Aruba in a timeshare unit the first week of December, airfare not included. First place winner get the option of Aruba or Baltimore packet. Committee agreed to partner with the Montgomery Chapter scholarship fundraiser. Matt Kirk will look into getting the permit.
Phone App Program– Melissa Schipke presented an idea of our Chapter being part of a new phone application which would connect people no matter their location to Penn State events. Beta testing with Penn State Alumni group will start next month. The benefits are interactive news feed, connect with others, help recruit more members and keeps track of participation for events. The University would pay a subscription fee of $30 per month with a free download. The application is available on the I Phone and should be available for android devices by the end of the year. Our Chapter agreed to be part of the pilot.
Request for Leave of Absence – Jay Doskis requested a leave of absence for personal reasons. Leave of absence granted. Diana Kirk will take the minutes during Jay’s absence.
Good of the Organization
Nothing to report at this time.
June 2015 Board meeting
JUNE 18, 2015
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Cherry Hill Public Library.
Review of Minutes
May’s minutes were reviewed and approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Reports from April and May were presented and approved. In the last Penn Stater edition our Chapter was recognized for having three endowed scholarships and we are working on a fourth scholarship. We will be making history. The annual report is due next month. Please make sure everyone pays their dues if they are not a life member. The $500.00 reimbursement form has to be submitted July 1, 2015.
Committee Reports
Membership – Annual dues paid April 168 and May 172.
License Plates– John Ungvarsky mentioned that our contact Cheryl was inquiring about getting a list of names to mail out to advertise the license plates. She is supposed to contact Matt Kirk to discuss further.
Discount Program– We have two businesses participating. Marcie DiSepio will follow-up with four other businesses.
Social Events/Fundraising
Bracelets– Jewelry is ready for Freshmen Send-off event in August.
Freshmen Send-Off– Scheduled for August 9, 2015. Cindy Scotnicki asked for $200.00 for giveaway gifts. Motion to approve, all in favor. In addition to giveaway gifts flash drives will be distributed. If anyone has any suggestions for speakers please share with Cindy. We need to contact Dave Hulbert for the banner and Matt Kirk has the sound system. As soon as Cindy gets the list she will send out invitation flyer. The Blue and White M&M jar and other activities will be set-up to keep attendees busy.
Christmas Party– Nothing to report at this time.
THON – We have raised over $150.00 for THON so far for this year.
Newsletter/Webpage/Social Media– We continue to update the information.
Community– Members of our Board responsible for membership, social, community service, public relations, marketing, communications and fundraising are invited to attend the First Annual Southeastern Region Penn State Alumni Association Leadership Conference on July 18, 2015. Leslie Schafer will attend.
Marketing/Publicity/Advertising– Marcie DiSepio will start marketing in local papers.
Scholarships– Jim Brennan thanked the scholarship committee for their diligent work screening potential scholarship recipients. The information was sent to Penn State and was accepted, however, we cannot award scholarships until the recipients are registered as full time students. Once the students are registered Jim will send recipients and their families an invitation to the Freshmen Send-off. The Board thanked Jim for running the committee and doing a great job.
Old Business
Football Ticket Raffle– The drawing is scheduled for Sunday, August 23, 2015. Permit to sell was approved and we have tickets to sell. Tickets are available through Event Brite or contact Matt Kirk for tickets.
Montgomery Chapter Scholarship Fund– Once the permit is obtained we will advertise the raffle on Event Brite. Proceeds will be split between the Montgomery Chapter and our Chapter.
TV News Studio with Philly Chapter– Indefinitely on hold.
Football Bus Trip– We will have 40 tickets available for the Maryland game. Football ticket plus bus seat will cost $130.00 and bus seat alone will cost $50.00. We will have 20 tickets available for the Army game. Football ticket plus bus seat will cost $100 and bus seat along will cost $50.00. Contact Bill Kolodi for tickets.
A bus is on hold for the Temple game. We will make a final decision in August. We have sold 24 tickets thus far and can get as many tickets as we want. June 26, 2105 is the deadline to purchase tickets on Event Brite. Jim Brennan will contact Matt Kirk with a total to purchase tickets on July 1, 2015.
The New York City Penn State hockey and basketball games are scheduled for January 30, 2016. Bill Kolodi still waiting for information.
Speaker for Spring 2016 Social– Laurie Sattin spoke with Coach Chamberlain’s assistant. He may be available in April or May. We may not hear back until August or September when Coach’s schedule is finalized.
Happy Hour – Matt Kirk sent an email to Dooney’s Pub asking about happy hour and discount program. Laurie Sattin spoke with Miller’s Ale House we can have a happy hour event, just need dates. Dave Hulbert is looking for places in Gloucester County.
Golf Outing– The event was canceled due to the weather forecast. We will reschedule for some time in August. Bill Greenfield will get a few dates from Golf Land.
Riversharks Game– Scheduled for Friday, August 14, 2015 at 7:05 p.m. We will get $5.00 back per ticket sold. Matt Kirk will make sure event is advertised on the website and Facebook.
Rodeo Trip– No tickets have been purchased on Event Brite. We need at least 20 tickets sold by June 27, 2015 otherwise the event will be canceled.
Chapter Kids Club – On hold.
Winery trip – Melissa Schipke is looking into Heritage Winery in Mullica Hill, NJ and Grounds for Sculpture cannot provide us with what we want plus they are too expensive.
New Business
Swim Meet– The 12th Annual Leon Gajecki Masters Meet at Brookside Swim and Dive Club is being held on July 19, 2015. The Meet Director wanted to know if our Chapter could help spread the word to our alumni about this event. Committee agreed to advertise this event.
Good of the Organization
Nothing to report at this time.
July 2015 Board Minutes
July 16, 2015
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Cherry Hill Public Library.
New Meeting Schedule
Due to a conflict with the library we will meet on Wednesday nights monthly starting in September. A list of meeting dates was distributed.
Review of Minutes
June’s minutes were reviewed and approved.
Treasurer’s Report
June’s report was presented and approved.
Committee Reports
Membership– Paid members to date is 180.
License Plates– Nothing new to report at this time.
Discount Program– Have not heard back from Dooney’s Pub. Keep looking for other business to participate.
Social Events/Fundraising
Bracelets– Will be available for sale at upcoming events (Golf Outing, Temple game, Freshman Send Off).
Freshman Send-Off– Scheduled for August 9, 2015. Set-up time is 10:45 a.m. We have the permit for the picnic area. Cindy will pick up food, Nick will cook, Laurie and Leslie will man the welcome tent. Matt will check sound system. We need canopies, tables, ice chests, duct tape and the banner. We have two speakers from last year and a possible third. Bill will make an announcement about the Golf Outing and offer who attend the send-off a free ticket. Dave will order pretzel trays and Matt will pick them up. Dave will try to get the Nittany Lion and Assemblyman Singleton. Bottled water is being donated. Scholarship recipients were invited, awaiting response. Scholarship awards will be announced around 1:30 p.m. There was a total of 250 incoming freshmen on the list.
Christmas Party– Dave is working on getting a sponsorship from the church.
Chapter Social– Waiting for a reply from Coach Chambers for the Spring Social.
Newsletter/Webpage/Social Media– The webpage was updated.
Community– Nothing to report at this time.
Marketing/Publicity/Advertising– Marcie is advertising.
Scholarships– All recipients were notified. Some adjustments were made to the distribution amounts of the scholarships. When Student Aid was contacted we were under the assumption that we are only spend 80% but actually we were spending more money than what we had so some adjustments were made to the distribution amounts. We are giving away at least what we did last year. We are the only chapter with 3 endowed scholarships.
Old Business
Football Ticket Raffle– The raffle is scheduled for Sunday, August 30, 2015. Tickets are still available.
Montgomery Chapter Raffle– Paperwork for the permit was submitted. Raffle is scheduled for October 11, 2015, tickets are $25.00 each.
Football Bus Trip– Information was posted on Facebook and Website. Bill will handle all information and sales.
Temple Game– 91 tickets were purchased. Due to our credit care limit we had to purchase upper level tickets. Seats are on the 40 yard line. We need to reimburse all those who bought a ticket ($20 per ticket). Alumni association will set up tables for different chapters. We need volunteers to man our table. We will sell raffle tickets and jewelry and advertise our upcoming events and we will bring pretzel trays.
NYC Bus Trip– January 30, 2016 PSU will be at Madison Square Garden for a basketball game and a hockey game. Bill Kolodi is still waiting for details.
Golf Outing– The event is rescheduled for Sunday, August 16, 2015 at Golf Land in Voorhees from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. We need members to bring the following items ice chests, canopy and games. Members bringing items and/or helping with set-up should arrive at 3:00 p.m. Jim will get food from Shoprite.
Riversharks Game– Scheduled for Friday, August 14, 2015. Those who bring 3 canned goods will get a free ticket to another game. The price is $11.00 per ticket and we would get $5.00 back per ticket.
Winery Trip– Melissa suggested Auburn Road Vineyard and Winery located in Cosgrove, NJ (Salem County). The cost is $15.00 per person for evenings, weekdays and weekends. We will discuss further.
Phillies Game– Two people went to the June 4, 2015 game, we received $30.00.
Rodeo Trip– The event was cancelled since no one purchased tickets.
Chapter Kids Club– On hold.
Monthly Happy Hour– Looking for suggestions for bars/restaurants where families can attend to hold happy hour. We need bars/restaurants located in different counties. We could have theme nights like beach bar night, etc. We will discuss further.
New Business
Nothing to report.
Leadership Conference– The conference has been rescheduled for Saturday, November 14, 2015, 10am-2pm at Greater Valley Conference Center.
Swim Meet– The 12th Annual Leon Gajecki Masters Meet was canceled.
Good of the Organization
Nothing to report.
August 2015 Board Minutes
There is no meeting in August.
The Freshman Sendoff Picnic is held during the month
September 2015 Board Minutes
September 16th, 2015
Penn State Alumni Assoc
Southern New Jersey Chapter
Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7 pm at the Cherry Hill Public Library
Review of Minutes
Julys minutes where presented and approved
Treasurers Report:
July and August reports where presented and approved
Committee Reports:
Annual report submitted of Chapter business for the fiscal year 2014/2015
Membership: 116 paid members
Discount Program: 2 listed working on more.
Social Events/Fundraising:
Bracelet: Sold at the Freshman Sendoff and the Temple game pep rally with a profit of $890
Freshman Sendoff: report next month
Christmas Party: Date will be Dec 12th. Dave is meeting with the youth group leader and will be seeing if members of
the parish will be willing to make monetary donations
Chapter Social:
Planned for Spring of 2016
Coach Chammberlins secretary called asking if could be done in October. Advised that would not be possible at this late date. Will call back with date in spring. Members will look into other possible speakers.
Annual meeting to be before Ohio State game
Board decided to just rent the room at Champp’s and have those attending order off menu if they want food. $5 charge to attend. will receive one free Nittany Lion Bingo game card for each ticket. Chapter will pay for room from General Funds
Newsletter/Webpage/Social Media:
Continue to be updated
$54 collected at Freshman Sendoff for THON
Nothing to report
Nothing to report
Old Business:
Golf Outing
Held Aug 16th 2015 Report submitted Profit of $5.88
Temple game
91 tickets where sold, we had a table at the Alumni Assoc Pep rally
Football ticket raffle:
Report submitted only 111 tickets sold Profit of $66. Final report on raffle submitted to State of New Jersey. Discuss on how to i improve tickets sales in the future
Raffle with Mont County Chapter for Maryland game.
Drawing will be Oct 11th.
Tickets $25 each and only 50 sold so far.
Football Bus trips
Bus trips for games against Army and Maryland are scheduled. Events Posted on Facebook and Website All info/sales going thru Bill K.
Bus trip to NYC for hockey/basketball games
Is in the works. No Further info at this time.
RiverSharks Game/Fundraiser
Report will be next month. 11 members attended.
Game Watching Parties
Game watching parties are scheduled at Champs in Mt. Laurel for the Rutgers game on Sept 19th and the Ohio State game on Oct 17th There will be a drink special offered. The success of these parties will determine any future specials/discounts that Champp’s will offer us.
Board decided on Nov 7th game vs Northwestern as the party in November. Champp’s will be notified.
Happy Hour
It was decided that we will hold our first happy hour at Champp’s on Oct 7th with Homecoming as the theme. There will be a drink special. The success/participation at these events will determine future specials/discounts that Champp’s will be able to offer us
New Business:
Nov 29th Penn State hockey game in Philly. M. Kirk will contact Montgomery Co. Chapter
To see if they are doing a ticket sale again this year.
Board discussed looking into running bus trips home from State College for students
From our area.
Chapter THON night event will be Feb 17th 7-9 pm at P J Whelinghams $15 per person
Movie Raffle prizes 50/50
None discussed
Good of Organization:
Nothing discussed
Next Meeting:
Oct 21st 2015
October 2015 Board Minutes
October 21, 2015
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Cherry Hill Public Library.
Review of Minutes
September’s minutes were reviewed and approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Report deferred to next month.
Committee Reports
Membership– Paid members to date is
License Plates– Nothing new to report at this time.
Discount Program– Waiting to hear back from a few businesses. Information will be emailed to Matt Kirk.
Social Events/Fundraising
Bracelets– Nothing new to report at this time.
THON Event– The event is scheduled for Wednesday, February 17, 2015 at PJ Whelihgans. The cost is $15.00 per person and we will start collecting money at the December meeting. We need to advertise this event more, especially in the free newsletters, etc.
Freshman Send-Off– The area will be reserved in January 2016 for August 2016 event.
Christmas Party– The party is scheduled for Saturday, December 12, 2015 from 12 noon until 4:00 p.m. Set-up time is 11:00 a.m. We need people to bring coolers, help set-up and help clean-up.
Dave Hulbert spoke with Major Percy from the Croc Center who is willing to work with our Chapter. This year we will have a different group of children (approximately 50-60 children).
Discussed purchasing coats instead of sweatshirts and getting scarves, hat and gloves instead of notebooks. We need to see how many coats we can afford in bulk, and if an organization can donate some. We may have to cutback on the goodie bags to off-set the cost. Jim Brennan will follow-up with the Knights of Columbus who can get coats in bulk for a discounted price (case of 12 for $220.00), and Dave Hulbert will contact Burlington Coat Factory. The committee was asked for those who receive a free turkey to donate turkeys for families in need in the area. Also discussed charging the volunteers an admission of 5 needed pantry items.
There will be face painting and we will try to get the balloon artist again. We are looking for people who are interested in becoming shoppers, please sign-up and Dave Hulbert will give you details.
Major Percy would like to do a short religious story the “Candy Cane Story.”
Chapter Social– Northing to report at this time.
Newsletter/Webpage/Social Media– We continue to update on a regular basis.
Community– Nothing to report at this time.
Marketing/Publicity/Advertising– Marcie DiSepio is our point person for advertising.
Old Business
Montgomery Chapter Raffle– Dave Hulbert was one of the winners, he won Maryland football tickets and signed football. A total of 97 raffle tickets were sold. We are waiting for Montgomery to get back to us about the profit we will receive. Each Chapter can receive 2 signed footballs per year. Matt Kirk will submit a request for 2015 and 2015 to get 4 signed footballs to raffle.
Football Bus Trip– Information was posted on Facebook and Website. Bill Kolodi will handle all information and sales.
NYC Bus Trip– January 30, 2016 PSU will be at Madison Square Garden for a basketball game and a hockey game. Bill Kolodi is still waiting for details.
Game Watching Parties– We had 25-30 people at the Maryland game watching party at Champps on October 24, 2015. We would like to have 2 parties for the Northwestern game on November 7, 2015, one in Gloucester/Salem County and one in Burlington County. The Burlington County party will be at Champps.
Monthly Happy Hour– Only 2 people attended happy hour at Champps in Marlton. On hold until after the holidays.
Camden Riversharks– The team has been disbanded.
New Business
Student Bus Trip – Discussed securing a bus to transport students during the holiday beaks from University Park to the Moorsetown Mall and back to campus. We must book the bus 5 months in advance. The cost of the bus is $1950.00. Tickets will cost $43.00 one-way and $90.00 round-trip. It was suggested we charge $100.00 per person round-trip. This needs to be advertised early and we should get a list of parents’ emails to send information to. We need to get a price for the smaller bus.
Leadership Conference– The conference has been rescheduled for Saturday, November 14, 2015, 10am-2pm at Greater Valley Conference Center.
Good of the Organization
We are again recognized as a Chapter of Distinction.
November 2015 Board Minutes
November 18, 2015
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. at the Cherry Hill Public Library.
Review of Minutes
October’s minutes were reviewed and approved.
Treasurer’s Report
October’s report was presented and approved. The Richard Brownmiller Scholarship fund is taking a long time to endow. Jim Brennan will follow-up to see if we received notification of endowment.
Committee Reports
Membership– Paid members to date is 139.
License Plates– Nothing new to report at this time.
Discount Program– Two more businesses have been added.
Social Events/Fundraising
Bracelets– Two more bracelets were sold otherwise nothing new to report at this time.
THON Event– The event is scheduled for Wednesday, February 17, 2015 from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at PJ Whelihgans in Cherry Hill. Since that is our regular meeting night the Board will meet at 6:00 p.m. for a brief meeting. The cost is
$15.00 per person and we will start collecting money immediately. Checks can be mailed to Laurie Satton or Matt Kirk. The fee for those paying at the door will be $20.00 per person. There will be a buffet, 50/50 raffle, prize raffle and a special film. We need to advertise this event more, especially in the free newsletters, etc.
Freshman Send-Off– Nothing to report at this time.
Christmas Party– The party is scheduled for Saturday, December 12, 2015 at St. Joan of Arc Church in Marlton, from 12 noon until 4:00 p.m. Set-up time is 10:30 a.m. We need people to bring coolers, help set-up and help clean-up.
Dave Hulbert spoke with Major Percy from the Croc Center who is willing to work with our Chapter. This year we will have a different group of children (approximately 50 children).
Discussed purchasing coats instead of sweatshirts and getting scarves, hat and gloves instead of notebooks. We need to see how many coats we can afford in bulk, and if an organization can donate some. We may have to cutback on the goodie bags to off-set the cost. Jim Brennan will follow-up with the Knights of Columbus who can get coats in bulk for a discounted price (case of 12 for $220.00), and Dave Hulbert will contact Burlington Coat Factory. The committee was asked for those who receive a free turkey to donate turkeys for families in need in the area. Also discussed charging the volunteers an admission of 3 to 5 needed pantry items.
There will be face painting and we will try to get the balloon artist again. We are looking for people who are interested in becoming shoppers, please sign-up and Dave Hulbert will give you details. We usually spend approximately $35 on each child.
Major Percy would like to do a short religious story the “Candy Cane Story.”
Chapter Social– Still waiting to hear from Coach Chambers’ assistant for his availability, otherwise northing to report at this time.
Newsletter/Webpage/Social Media– We continue to update on a regular basis.
Community– Nothing to report at this time.
Marketing/Publicity/Advertising– Marcie DiSepio has resigned from the Board. We need someone to take on this endeavor. If anyone is interested picking up where Marcie left off please contact Matt Kirk.
Old Business
Montgomery Chapter Raffle– The final report was submitted to the State. Each Chapter made a profit of $409.50.
Football Bus Trip– We lost approximately $700 on the Maryland trip and $1400 on the Army trip. Turn out was extremely low.
NYC Bus Trip– January 30, 2016 PSU will be at Madison Square Garden for a basketball game and a hockey game. We are unable to have a bus trip for this event because the trip is approximately 14 hours which is too long putting the bus driver and passengers in jeopardy. Bill Kolodi purchased 20 tickets which cost $65.00 each. If anyone is interested call Bill Kolodi.
Game Watching Parties– We had 6 people at Champps and 8 at the Landmark for the Northwestern game. There will be another game watching party at the Landmark on November 21, 2015.
Camden Riversharks– The team has been disbanded.
Leadership Conference– No one was able to attend the conference which was last weekend.
Student Bus Trip – The bus that holds 55 people will cost $1950 one-way. The company would like payment two weeks in advance. This bus transports students during the holiday breaks from University Park to the Moorsetown Mall and back to campus. There would be fewer students using this service during spring break compared to the Thanksgiving Day break so it was suggested that we re-visit this topic in April 2016 to plan for next fall. We plan to announce next fall’s schedule at the Freshmen send-off and advertise on Facebook and the website.
New Business
Vermont Hockey Game – The game is scheduled for November 29, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. at Wells Fargo Center.
Tassle App Program– Briefly discussed how this app works, however, it is still in its trial stage and there are some issues with finding/posting events. Paula volunteered to set-up events on Facebook, start a Twitter page and Instagram page in order to connect with more people.
Resignation– Jay Doskis has resigned from the Board. Diana Kirk will finish this year as Recording Secretary and Paula will be the new Recording Secretary effective January 2016.
Good of the Organization
December 2015 Board Meeting
There is no Board meeting in December.
Children’s Christmas party for the Salvation Army in Camden is held.